All classes will be run in accordance with the latest BRC official rules.
All horses must have had at least their first two vaccinations, and not have had a vaccine within 7 days of the show.
Correctly fitted hard hats to CURRENT recognised British standard must be worn & securely fastened when mounted, and strongly recommended for In Hand.
Body protectors are strongly recommended for jumping.
In public areas of the show ground horses/ponies must be ridden/led at walk.
Please respect the hospitality of the landowners & take your litter home/use bins provided.
Do not clean out your horse box/trailer on the field.
The judge’s decision is final & any objections must be handed to the secretary in writing with a £20 deposit, the deposit will be retained if the objection is not upheld.
Dogs must be kept on a short lead & under control at all times & all faeces picked up/
Horses & ponies must not be left unattended unless correctly secured inside the trailer/lorry.
Age as of January 1st 2022.
Any person riding on a lead rein must do so for the rest of the event.
Non-members riding a member’s horse must pay non-members entry fees.
No horse/pony under 4 years of age can be ridden on the show ground.
No responsibility can be taken for theft, loss, damage, accident or illness caused to persons/animals/property or vehicles attending this event.
All persons attending must have their own 3rd party liability insurance.
The organisers of this event have taken every reasonable precaution to ensure the Health & Safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organiser and all official stewards.
Stallions by prior permission of the organiser and must display stallion discs.
Maximum of 3 Jumping Classes to be entered.
Maximum of 4 entries per Horse/Pony for showing.
Maximum of 5 entries per Horse/Pony for each show day.
The making of an entry implies acceptance of the conditions above.